Schedule Announced for New York Homeless Policy Forum 2015

New York Homeless Policy Forum 2015
Jointly Sponsored by Baruch College’s Narendra Paul Loomba School of Management and Care for the Homeless, Wednesday, April 8, at Baruch College, Newman Library, Room 750, 151 East 25th Street (bet. Lexington and 3rd Ave.)

9-9:25 a.m.- Registration, Coffee and Networking

9:25-9:30  a.m.-Welcome-Introductions

9:30-9:40 a.m.-Presentation: Homeless Issues in New York City, Where Do We Stand?

9:40-10:40 a.m.- Scope, Scale and Overview of Homeless Issues in NYC
This plenary panel will serve as both an introduction to homeless policy issues in NYC, and explore the challenges. Presentation will include analysis of how many people are homeless or at risk in New York City, the context of the current crisis, NYC’s “right to shelter” and unique issues of homeless in NYC and discussion of what we’re doing right and wrong.

10:50-11:50 a.m.- Panel: Stigmatization, Criminalization and Attacks On Homeless People
Panel will explore how and why we stigmatize homeless people; how the everyday activities of poor people and people experiencing homelessness are effected by stigmatization, societal attitudes towards poor and marginalized peoples, NIMBY attitudes towards shelters and other service locations for low-income New Yorkers and how societal attitudes contribute to an increase in “criminalization” of homelessness and poverty as well as attacks against homeless people.

10:50-11:50 a.m. – Panel: Children/Youth Homelessness in New York City
Panel will examine social and economic causes and impacts of dramatic increase in children in shelters and unaccompanied homeless youth, and resources available and required to ameliorate this crisis.

11:50 a.m-12:50 p.m. with Featured Speaker: New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito

12:55-1:55 p.m.- Panel: Reimagining Living in and Operating Shelters: Suggestions for Better Outcomes
 Former and current NYC shelter residents and shelter providers will discuss making the system more effective, producing better outcomes and increasing the dignity afforded clients in the system.

12:55-1:55 p.m.- Panel: Homelessness and Health Care: Public Health Issues and Impacts on People Experiencing Homelessness
This panel will address homelessness as a public health issue, its impact on city health resources and health impacts of homelessness on children and adults experiencing it. Panelists will discuss what systems and resources are needed to best address health care access and provision of health services for homeless people, how to get better outcomes and how to deliver care most efficiently.

2:05-3:05 p.m.-Panel: Extremely-Low-Income Housing Market- Availability for New Yorkers Living Below Poverty
 Panel explores current availability of housing units for extremely-low income and below poverty New Yorkers, including availability of units for people with subsidized vouchers, trends in very-low income housing and what needs to be done to provide stable housing for people experiencing homelessness.

3:05- 3:25 p.m. - Conclusion and Final Remarks

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