Care for the Homeless Executive Director keynotes National Convention with call to end the evil of homelessness
Care for the Homeless Executive Director Bobby Watts brought
more than 800 delegates to the National Health Care for the Homeless Council Conference
in Washington, D.C., to their feet with a declaration that “Homelessness is
evil, and we must end it.” Watts, in the
conference’s keynote address, said, “we have to stop accepting the
unacceptable, tolerating the intolerable, and end the evil of homelessness.”
“It was public policies that created modern day
homelessness,” Watts said, “and we can end homelessness with better public and
social policies.” Watts noted that “modern day homelessness” is only about 35
years old, and tracks with federal cutbacks in spending on affordable housing
for very-low-income tenants and cutbacks to human service and safety net
Watts spoke about asking college classes what they thought
the causes of homelessness were, and getting answers including individuals
became homelessness because they had mental problems, significant health
problem, had a substance abuse problem, lost their job, didn't develop adequate
job skills or had a criminal record. Watts explained that all those causes were
right, but that instead or just looking at them from the individual point of
view we should also view them from a societal perspective.
Looked at that way the causes might be thought of as society
not having developed an adequate mental health or medical health system, or substance
abuse treatment system, or enough affordable housing, or jobs or an adequate
education and workforce training system.” Thought of that way, we can
optimistically fight homelessness and realize how important and cost effective
providing adequate resources are.