Social Services January Update!
January may be a slower month than the busyness of December, but the Care for the Homeless social services team was hard at work providing Medical Case Management services at 13 different sites in a total of 240 visits for 151 homeless clients. Psychotherapy services where provided at two more sites with 27 homeless clients coming in for a total of 47 visits.
In addition, during January, the
Social Service staff collaborated with the CFH Health Education team and
medical departments to implement pap smear initiative events at six sites. The staff
provided a variety of services including PHQ9 screenings, Perceived Stress
Scales (PSS) screenings and co-facilitated a workshop with the Health Education
team on the barriers to accessing and engaging in medical treatment.
Without the Social Services
teams, a large sect of the homeless population Care for the Homeless works with
would go without mental health counseling and would be unable to access
treatment. Their role is critical to helping homeless men, women and children
find the stability they need to move into permanent housing and move on with
their lives.