
Showing posts from July, 2014
785 of Our Homeless Clients will Now Have Their Basic Needs Met Because of your support, the  Toiletry Drive was a huge success this year, bringing in well over 7,000 pieces of toiletries! Thanks to donations from our caring supporters, Colgate, DNA Public Relations, Hope and Comfort, Inc., and more, we have gathered thousands of toiletries that will be distributed to homeless clients all over New York City. The College of Mount Saint Vincent students, participants of the TRIO program, have volunteered at Susan’s Place for two consecutive years. Yesterday, in a race against time, they broke their own record and assembled 785 toiletry kits, surpassing last year’s goal! Thank you for continuing to support Care for the Homeless. We can’t do it without you!     The College of Mount Saint Vincent TRIO Students at Susan's Place 

Save the Date: September 4 Fashion Show Fundraiser

Health Empowered Beauty Join us on September 4, 2014 for our annual Health Empowered Beauty Fashion Show Fundraiser to benefit Susan's Place.  A fashion show unlike any other, this inspiring event will feature Susan's Place homeless clients as models. Tickets start at $20! Click here to purchase tickets and get more information. Health Empowered Beauty Fashion Show Thursday September 4, 2014 at 6:30 PM @Subud Chelsea Center  230 West 29th Street ( Map )  Subway: 1 to 28th Street or B,D,F,M,N,Q,R  to 34th Street Herald Square  Learn more on our website. Will you be in the front row on the runway this year?

Municipal ID Signed into Law

On July 10, 2014, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed the   Municipal ID Law, creating a creates a municipal identification card that will be accepted by city agencies and give New Yorkers greater access to cultural, educational and commercial services. Care for the Homeless strongly advocated for the Municipal ID bill since its introduction. One of our client leaders, Anthony Wiliams, was one of 12 advocates who testified at the Mayoral Public Hearing the day before the law was signed and the only homeless advocate who spoke. Read his testimony below. Earlier this spring, Care for the Homeless testified at a New York City Council Hearing on the bill. Read more after the jump. Care for the Homeless Client Testimony Supporting Municipal ID Legislation By Anthony Williams, Client Leader Presented to New York City Mayoral Public Hearing,  July 9, 2014 My name is Anthony Williams. I’m a client leader with Care for the Homeless in New York City, an organization t...

Cuomo Says About AIDS, New York Can Be “First State in the Nation Committed to Ending this Epidemic”

Jeff Foreman, Director of Policy Governor Andrew Cuomo, marching in the New York City Pride Day event on Saturday, committed New York to “bending the curve”on HIV/AIDS policies in order to “end the AIDS epidemic” and assure that those living with HIV/AIDS remain healthy He announced a three point program to “decrease new HIV infections to the point where the number of people living with HIV in New York is reduced for the first time.” The Governor’s plan, much of which has been advocated by Care for the Homeless, includes: 1.        Identifying persons with HIV who remain undiagnosed and linking them to health care (as CFH does through rapid HIV testing, diagnosis and treatment, every day); 2.        Linking and retaining persons diagnosed with HIV to health care and getting them on anti-HIV virus suppression so they remain healthy and prevent further transmission (CFH provides primary care to people living with HIV...